About Us

About Us

Saniye Gungor

Co-founder, facial and shiatsu therapist, chef

saniyeFor nearly a decade Saniye was a consultant to a world-renowned plastic surgeon, while she provided pre and post operative skin care to patients with facial surgery. She then worked with a dermatologist and her specialty was medical facials for dermatological problems. After 10 years of working with these medical specialists, Saniye began to realize that the holistic approach can eliminate the need for surgery and have a life-long positive benefit. Her research into alternative methods lead Saniye to work and study with the founders of the world-famous and respected Jurlique brand–Dr. Jurgen Klein, a scientist and naturopath, and his wife Ulrike, a horticulturalist.

Fully entrenched on her path to healing herself, Saniye became a vegetarian and became more devoted to her yoga and meditation practices. Saniye studied shiatsu, polarity and armotherapy. These holistic and natural health care systems help to open energy blocks and re-establish balance on both physcial and emotional levels. Saniye teaches clients self-acceptance and love, which is one of the most important aspects of life. Saniye creates a loving, caring and nuturing space for them to relax and let go; healing follows. Saniye is always told by her clients that they feel secure and comfortable with her, which gives her great pleasure and joy. “It is always exciting to see myself and others go through transformation and change.”

Ivan Rivas

Co-founder, massage and Shiatsu therapist, musician

ivanIvan brings a lightness into his healing work with clients, With a background in engineering and art, Ivan also brings flair from his native country of Puerto Rico into Saniye’s Turkish influences, creating a truly worldly experience. His mastery of dance and music can surprise guests with an impromptu dance lesson or drumming circle.




Saniye and Ivan in their Peace Garden
