Sanivan Holistic Retreat & Spa offers personalized, assisted juice fasting in the Catskills to help visitors cleanse and restore their digestive well-being as well as overall health. Intensive fasting retreats using organic produce and herbs are available for various lengths of stays, depending on your healing goals. Please contact us fora consultation so we can create an ideal fasting program for your needs. Your detox plan could include juice fasting, Dr. Richard Schulze’s colon cleansing and detoxifying herbs and the use of wheatgrass juice.

Juice Fasting in the Catskills at Sanivan

Here is what a cleanse day might look like at Sanivan:

  • Wake up – Drink 16 oz. lukewarm water with 1/2 lemon juice, gentle stretching and some quiet time.
  • Morning juice usually fruit juice or smoothie; for more intense cleanse we will have liver or kidney flush with specific ingredients.
  • 20 minutes later 2 cups of detox tea to follow the liver or kidney flush.
  • Mid morning activity: Rest and relax, read, gentle exercise or walk the labyrinth.
  • Mid day juice is usually with variety of organic vegetables and herbs. We can also do raw food for beginners.
  • After an hour rest we will have afternoon activities such as: hiking, biking, gardening, swimming, sauna, stem and/or jet shower
  • Freshly made potassium broth is offered mid afternoon around 4:00pm to replenish nutrients and ease the withdrawal symptoms.
  • Spa treatments such as massage, facial and shiatsu can be part of the day or evening.
  • Yoga and meditation class in the late afternoon before evening juice or meal
  • Evening juice; it is usually fruit juice or smoothie.
  • Evening activities; watching a health related film, dancing, drumming, reading or
  • Happy sleep time and sweet dreams!!!

Join us anytime for a retreat or spa visit by calling (845)434-1849 or emailing us at We would be happy to discuss your juice fast cleanse needs.